Administrative information

The 18th Annual Baltic Conference on Defence (ABCD) will take place on 24-25 September 2024, in Tallinn, Estonia.

Venue: Nordic Hotel Forum, Tallinn (Viru Square 3).

If you have any questions about ABCD that you are unable to find answers to here, please do not hesitate to contact us at



Attendance at the conference is by invitation only. The invitation is personal, and it will be sent by email. After receiving this invite, participants must register though our online registration system. Please note that receiving an invitation does not mean you will not be automatically registered for the conference.

If you wish to transfer your invitation to someone else, please contact the organisers.


Conference proceedings

The conference language is English, and its sessions – except the opening and keynote speeches – will be conducted under the Chatham House Rule, i.e. participants are free to use the information, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. We ask you to respect this approach during and after the conference in all forms of your communication, as it is in our common interest to facilitate a trusted environment for an open and candid exchange of opinions during the conference.



We will issue you a conference badge at the registration desk and ask that you wear this at all times. Please note that this badge is not transferable. We also ask for your patience and understanding if the process takes longer due to the need to verify identity of the guests . In case of an emergency, please inform the nearest conference team member.


Travel arrangements

Conference guests are expected to arrange and cover their own travels and make local transportation arrangements.

For foreign guests, we kindly ask you to make sure that your travel insurance will cover any expenses that may occur if you fall ill, including extra accommodation, travel, and healthcare costs. The ABCD Team is ready to provide practical assistance, but we cannot provide financial support. Also, when returning from Estonia, we ask that you check and comply with the requirements and documentation necessary for your travel to and from Tallinn.


How to get here

Estonia is accessible by plane, train, bus and ferry. Tallinn Airport is located only 4 km from the city centre and is well served by public transportation and taxi services. The bus station, train station, and harbour are all situated in the city centre. The bus station has connections to Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia. The Port of Tallinn connects Tallinn to Finland and Sweden by the ferry.

Please note that due to the extensive infrastructure works in central Tallinn, travel times and access routes to the conference venue might be more complicated and time consuming than usual.

More information about Estonia and about Tallinn.



Registered conference guests will be responsible for their own accommodation arrangements and expenses. If you would wish to book accommodation at the conference hotel, please use the information provided in your invitation.


Dress code

Dress code throughout the on-site event is civilian business attire or service dress.


Social media

The ICDS will conduct social media outreach through its channels on Facebook @ICDS.Tallinn, Twitter @ICDS_Tallinn, Instagram @ICDS_Tallinn and LinkedIn @International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS). We encourage participants to use social media for sharing their impressions from the event with the hashtag #ABCDTallinn2024 while at the same time respecting the Chatham House Rule.



All enquiries about the conference programme and logistics can be made by writing to
For media enquiries, please contact